Let's talk about how to "trash the dress", more specifically a shoot I aptly named Bridezilla which I did a few months ago. It revolved around a friend's wedding dress that she wanted to burn and let go of the bad ju ju that remained from her former marriage. It was a super fun and liberating experience for everyone involved. Of course setting shit on fire is always fun (that's my inner pyromaniac talking) but even more than that, I loved creating a story line that followed us through the entire shoot. Nicole, my actress/model/friend/divorce' looking to cleanse her post wedded soul just wanted to set her frock to flames. I wanted to take it a step further and tell the story of a fictional bride that started down the isle and then turned the fairytale on its ear. The story goes a little something like this.... Bride goes bananas, kills groom (thanks to my future sister in-law, Amanda for playing said groom) then transports his body to the desert only to drag him through the dirt, bash his brains in further and then dig a shallow grave to lay him down for his eternal rest. Why did the bride go crazy you are wondering. Hell, I don't know, you enter your motive here ________________. Maybe he cheated with her bestie/secretary/sister/pool boy or maybe she is just bat shit crazy and forgot to take her meds. Either way the shoot was incredibly fun and resulted in a strange juxtaposition of beautiful and disturbing.
Have you ever thought about doing a "trash the dress" shoot? I love getting creative and collaborating with my clients. If you have an idea for something "a little crazy", drop me a line and lets make it happen!